
Hot Topic: Are you buying more private-label products these days?

Plus, you weigh in on whether bars should charge more when they're busy.
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NielsenIQ predicts that the dollar share of private-label consumer products, aka store brands, will increase to 19.6% in Q4, as a result of both inflated prices and private-label goods upping their appeal.

You tell us: Are you choosing an increasing number of private-label products over advertised brands these days? Cast your vote here.

Circling back: Last week, we told you about how the largest pub company in the UK, The Stonegate Group, has said it will introduce surge pricing in its pubs, meaning that during the busiest times, it will charge about 25 cents more a pint to cover the cost of extra staff. So we asked if you thought charging more for drinks during a bar’s busiest times is a good strategy.

Nearly three out of four (73.9%) of you are not drinking to that, telling us that no, you don’t think charging more for beer during a bar’s busiest times is a good strategy, while 23% thought it was a good strategy, and 3% didn’t know or weren’t sure.

Retail news that keeps industry pros in the know

Retail Brew delivers the latest retail industry news and insights surrounding marketing, DTC, and e-commerce to keep leaders and decision-makers up to date.