
Apple and Target Emphasize Curbside Pickup and Appointment Shopping for Holiday Purchases

Retailers are asking shoppers to skim their usual store experience.
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Francis Scialabba

less than 3 min read

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Without even trying, in-store shopping in the pandemic era became a game: Trips can’t last more than 20 minutes. Touch only what you need to buy. Everything else is lava.

Retailers noticed the mindset shift—and that Covid-19 cases are still rising. So some are tweaking their holiday store experiences for faster checkout times and overall safety.

The small format approach: Apple is opening 50 Apple Express stores, Reuters reports. It’s like a Milk Bar stand, but for iPhones.

  • Stores will have walk-up, plexiglass additions built by the entrance. They’re stocked with small accessories and customer service counters.
  • Shoppers will make appointments to pick up preordered items, without having to enter the regular store.

The big box approach: Target’s expanding contactless payment features, allowing employees to process purchases anywhere in the store on handheld devices. It’ll also double the parking spaces dedicated to curbside pickup and allow shoppers to book store reservations.

  • Rest easy, fellow fans of the spontaneous Target run: CEO Brian Cornell suggested that appointment shopping will be a holiday-only feature.

In-N-Out only

Hitting fast forward means fewer touchpoints for retailers’ typical ✨ holiday magic ✨. But it also means retailers can address consumers’ health and safety concerns. 51% of U.S. shoppers in a recent Deloitte study said the pandemic’s making them anxious about visiting stores this holiday season.

Zoom out: Even the most tradition-bound retailers are recalibrating their Yuletide store experiences to eliminate close contact. Saks Fifth Avenue is dividing its flagship holiday window reveal into small, live-streamed events; Bloomingdale’s is canceling its annual event altogether.

My takeaway: This time last year, retailers introduced features that encouraged shoppers to dawdle in the electronics aisle. Now, the best retail experience is one where customers get in and out efficiently.

Retail news that keeps industry pros in the know

Retail Brew delivers the latest retail industry news and insights surrounding marketing, DTC, and e-commerce to keep leaders and decision-makers up to date.