
Coworking with Arjun Reddy

He’s SVP of Revenue at Disco.
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Arjun Reddy

less than 3 min read

Retail news that keeps industry pros in the know

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Arjun Reddy is SVP of revenue at Disco, a post-purchase ad network working with brands like Liquid IV, Ouai, and Ilia.

How would you describe your job to someone who doesn’t work in retail? I view my job as a game in one way: How do we drive awareness of Disco to DTC brands and tell our story in the right way across every touchpoint we have with these prospects? There are so many ways to use budget to achieve that goal (e.g. partnerships, ads, events, dinners, webinars), and some of these tactics will work for us and some will not. My job is to make decisions based on the input and opinions of my amazing team. The other part is to deliver on the promises we make to our customers. We have to support and communicate with them in the right way and at the right cadence. We have to deliver results that help our customers achieve their primary end goal: profitable growth.

One thing we can’t guess about your job from your LinkedIn profile? I have a two-year-old son and balancing childcare and work is a very real thing (especially in the evening). I’m grateful to work at a company that is supportive of protected time. And for anyone with kids—pretty hard to respond to emails/Slacks when your two-year-old is slamming the keyboard!

What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on? We overhauled our pricing model entirely to make our GTM team more efficient and also better align with our customers’ needs. It took some time to roll it out and explain it to 500+ customers, but it’s been transformative for our business and for our customers.

Which emerging retail trend are you most excited about right now, and why? I’ve recently been fascinated by autonomous 3PL. I recently got a tour of Nimble’s facility in the Bay Area—it was really amazing.

What’s your go-to coffee order? Black, extra hot.

Worst piece of advice you’ve received? “The ends justify the means.”

What was your favorite retail product when you were 15, and what’s your favorite retail product now? My Xbox and Halo 1 when I was 15. Currently, it’s probably the Nanit [baby monitor] we have because it gives us peace of mind when our son is sick (thanks, daycare)! How times change…

Retail news that keeps industry pros in the know

Retail Brew delivers the latest retail industry news and insights surrounding marketing, DTC, and e-commerce to keep leaders and decision-makers up to date.